Essential Oils have been utilised for thousands of years for Medicinal, Religious and Spiritual, Cosmetic, Culinary and Perfumery applications.


Essential oils have a long history of use in traditional medicine systems worldwide. Ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Chinese, recognized the therapeutic properties of various essential oils and incorporated them into their healing practices. Essential oils were used to alleviate ailments, promote healing, and support overall well-being. They were often applied topically, inhaled, or ingested in small quantities.

Religious and Spiritual

Essential oils have been used in religious and spiritual ceremonies throughout history. Ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Babylonians, and Greeks, believed that aromatic substances had spiritual significance and could facilitate communication with deities or higher realms. Essential oils, such as FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH, CEDARWOOD, and SANDALWOOD, were frequently used in rituals, anointing practices, and purification ceremonies.


Essential oils have been valued for their cosmetic properties for centuries. In ancient times, they were used for skincare, hair care, and perfumery. The Egyptians, for example, used essential oils in their beauty routines and in the production of cosmetics and perfumes. ROSE, LAVENDER, CHAMOMILE, and NEROLI were among the oils commonly used for their soothing and rejuvenating effects on the skin.


Some essential oils have a history of culinary use, adding flavour and aroma to food and beverages. In ancient Greece and Rome, essential oils like PEPPERMINT, ROSEMARY, and OREGANO were used in cooking. They were often added sparingly due to their concentrated nature.


The use of essential oils in perfumery can be traced back to ancient civilizations. The Egyptians were renowned for their perfume production and used essential oils as key ingredients. The art of perfumery continued to develop throughout history, with various regions and cultures incorporating different essential oils and fragrant materials to create unique scents.